Friday, August 29, 2008

Pretty flower

I looked at a couple of mashups on Flickr today. The most interesting to me is Montager. I input a tag, like "flower", and it will make a mosaic. It did a geranium for me, and the outline is rough, but I can see the likeness. It also yinted the images instead of picking ones of that color already, but as I scrolled over the thumbnails, the images in true color appeared, and slightly larger. Then, if you click on one of these images, it will make a new mosaic based on it. The API is simple fun, and you can email it to a friend, but I don't really see any use beyond that. Other mashups seemed totally useful, such as the various uploading and manager API's, but not fun to play around with. As I search, i may eventually find one that would satisfy both criteria.

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