Saturday, October 11, 2008

Library 2.0

It seems much about the future of libraries is in the conceptual stag, but it seems to be very promising and exciting. We have just started exploring the possibilities of web 2.0 in learn and play, and already there are ways the libraries can use them. I love amazon for their tagging, and user reviews. What if our patrons could tag and review books they have read? What if they could have a "Library Thing" connected to their CML account, so checked out books could easily be added to a virtual bookshelf. Then reviews could be imported from their library thing to our catalogue. Books searched for, and put on a "want to read" list, could be linked to a reserve list. Book blogs, and online discussion forums could be hosted through our site. The potential is huge, but we will have to see what the public really wants, so the technology is not added for the sake of itself. What a great time to be in the library business!

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